I received a 2007 Cultural Equity Grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission to create the Sky in the Pie Mural Series outside San Francisco's
Mission Pie Bakery and Cafe. Cafe owner Karen Heisler and her partners at
Pie Ranch connect urban and rural communities through their work/study programs
and they serve some of the best pie this side of my Grandma Alice's basement.
Since the fall equinox, I've been a slave to the fleeting light of autumn. My crew Javier, Ammo, JJ and I have been taking pictures and asking questions about food and farming of people we meet around 25th and Mission Streets. From this raw data, I'll create a book and five murals between now and the 2008 summer solstice. We are up to 75 portraits and are aiming for 100 before daylight savings time kicks in on November 4th. Stay tuned.
Her favorite kind of pie? "Any type of pie."