Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Forthcoming Book "Farm Together Now": Sneak Peek Begins Here + Now

This summer I traveled 13,000 miles and made an equal amount of digital captures of farms and farmers around the United States for the book "Farm Together Now," in collaboration with writers Amy Franceschini and Daniel Tucker, to be published by Chronicle Books in late 2010.

Here's our elevator speech:

"We want to change the way the food system works!

"Farm Together Now," part-travelogue, part-oral history, part-creative exploration of food politics, will introduce readers to twenty groups working in agriculture and sustainable food production in the U.S.

Throughout 2009 we visited farms from coast to coast, talking to farmers about their engagement in sustainable food production, public policy and community organizing efforts. Interviews and photo essays with each farm/garden/project will illustrate the inspiring histories, unique characters and everyday struggles of life on these farms. It is through sharing diverse voices from the contemporary farm that this book will inspire and cultivate a new wave of agrarians. Half of the authors' profits will be put into a fund to encourage like-minded documentary projects."

The manuscript is with our divine editor Amy Treadwell, and Brian Scott of Boon Design has the 300 photos comprising my A and B edit. The ball is out of my court! Galley proofs are coming soon... whew, I can breathe out and tell you a story or two.

First came The Map.

My inspired collaborators, Amy and Daniel poured over the possibilities, I chimed in with some suggestions from my home state of Nebraska and here's what the route ended up looking like. A big swoop through most of the country (sorry, Texas and Alaska and....)

First stop, Oakland, California.