Friday, February 18, 2011

What I Said At the SF Planning Commission In Support of Urban Agriculture Proposal

Yesterday, the SF Planning Commission met to discuss the Urban Agriculture Proposal that will codify for-profit food production in our fair city.  While some city bureaucrats worked behind the scenes, others testified in favor of the proposal, and the room was filled beyond capacity with supporters (all wearing green) spilling out into the hall. The SF Planning Commissioners were sympathetic and thoughtful in their questions and concerns... democracy in action.

Here's my public comment. I shortened it while standing at the microphone, and only read the part in bold ('cause by then, everyone else had said everything else).

Madame President, Commissioners:
Thank you for allowing so many of us to speak today in support of the urban agriculture proposal.

My name is Anne Hamersky and I live in Glen Park.  I’m a photographer who has focused on food and farming stories for more than ten years. As a member of SF Urban Ag Alliance, I am here to show my support for the urban agriculture zoning proposal along with a few important amendments.

I’ve had the opportunity to visit urban ag efforts, in Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Chicago. All of these farms boost their local economies by providing sorely needed green jobs. As well, they mitigate urban decay by beautifying their city’s vacant lots, and enhance their neighborhood communities by being gathering places to educate people about food production. I’ve seen first hand how these food-producing green spaces can be a source for much social, visual, and economic goodness. While all these efforts have great civic benefits, the fact is, all of them are non-profit organizations. I work closely with many non-profits and know that they rely on foundation grant money, donations, and volunteer power.  Not the most sustainable revenue stream.

We all care about sustainability, in these days of climate change and dwindling resources. As you know, former Mayor Newsom’s Healthy Food Executive Directive commits to local food production as a path to a more sustainable future. If the City wants to encourage successful, sustainable urban ag, I respectfully ask that you amend the proposal under consideration to create city policy that makes it economically sustainable to grow more food locally. Thank you. 

First, I ask that you waive the fence requirement. It is an expensive and unnecessary prerequisite. Small-scale neighborhood farms are often less noisy than a large apartment building. Frankly, I think most people want to see what’s growing in the ground. I would absolutely welcome a green farm operating next door to me.

Second, allow these growers to develop an economy of scale by aggregating their produce and collectively selling it in a central location. Allow them to sell value-added products at this central location, as well. Value-added products are a way for urban farmers to make a go of it, because, simply put, their profit margins are greater. I, myself, want to buy pickles and farm fresh condiments from the source. Why not?

And finally, waive or modify the $300 “change of use” permit fees for urban agriculture businesses. Encourage these urban farmers to go legit. Make it more financially feasible for them to be urban ag trailblazers. We need them to be successful so they can implement the mandate to grow more food right here. As a small business owner in San Francisco myself, who pays the city business tax every year, I support reconsidering this additional permit fee.

These changes to the proposal will encourage more urban ag businesses to get their seeds in the ground. Show the world that San Francisco continues to be forward thinking and innovative, and that we support for-profit, financially-sustainable businesses that grow local food and local economies. 

Because we love this town. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Farm Together Now" Spring Events

Amazing ag books out there these days. All fueling the sustainable food system movement and making it more mainstream. That's the ticket.

At this year's Eco Farm Conference, had the pleasure of signing books together with Novella Carpenter of Farm City fame and Temra Costa, Miss Farmer Jane herself.

Up top, that's my cohort Sarah Henry, Lettuce Eat Kale blogger extraordinaire. (Get your food news from her.) Me, smilin' in the middle. All of us laughing, cuz Novella is a hoot. Thanks, Jennifer Snyder of Clif Bar for snapping the photo! We are each other's doppel(triple)ganger. Long lost cousins, me thinks.

Here's a look at my upcoming dance card. Hope to see you.

Febr 24, 7pm    PeriUrban Agriculture Discussion + Beans and Greens dinner at 18 Reasons

Febr 25, 1pm    Lecture for How-to-Homestead's Melinda Stone's USF Urban Ag class

Febr 25, 7pm    Reading + Signing at beloved Mission Pie

Mar 14,  7pm    Slide show + book signing at the fabulous CUESA with Mark Winne, too

Mar 24, 2pm     Book Signing at the SF Flower + Garden Show with Star Apple Edible Gardens

April 3, 7pm     Benefit slide show + book signing for Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society, my home state!

April 11, 7pm   Slide show at Downtown SF Apple Store + APA

May 7, 7pm      Book signing to benefit Synergy School

See more events at the Farm Together Now spot.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Michael Pollan selects "Farm Together Now" as his fave food book of 2010

High Drama: Two hours before our San Francisco book signing at Green Arcade, I saw on Twitter that Michael Pollan selected "Farm Together Now" as his fave food book of 2010. My collaborators Amy, Daniel, Corinne, Brian, and our publisher Chronicle Books were thrilled. I'm most happy that with Pollan's public endorsement, the stories of the good folks in our book will have a wider audience. Folks like Sam Comfort, who raises bees in the Hudson Valley of New York State, not for their honey (though it is delicious) but for their queens.

Applause: Thank you Sam Comfort for your bee-work that builds pollen and thank you Michael Pollan for your word-work that bring us comfort. And sweet success to all who toil for seed and soil.

Happy New Year, 2011.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Alter Ego

Todd Edelman sends me the best links. Today, I finally caught up with a link he sent a while back, the Denver Post's Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943. Check out these resonant dust bowl imagery from the Library of Congress. This one, my alter ego. Thanks, Todd.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Apples to Onions

Guess which apple and which onion came from my CSA share.

Hint number one: It's fun to get a gob of random produce every week in our CSA bag. No matter what surprise awaits us, it will be in season and small "D" delicious. This year's crop of Gravensteins is just starting. The crunchiest, tartest apple on the plate.

Second hint: One of the (capital "D" delicious) apples came from the Fillmore. At the end of a show there the other night, we showed our teenager the basket Bill Graham always filled with free apples for any hungry hippie to have something to eat. Happily, they still give them out to house audiences. Love the 1960s tradition, but does anyone know the Fillmore's produce buyer these days? Let's get them to buy fresh buy local!

Third hint: The small onions are also crunchier and sweeter than the big kahuna onion.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Shirt On My Back

People ask, "What's your most important piece of equipment?"

Of course, there's the fave lens, fave remote, fave whatnot. But during the summer, one of the most important things in my bag is a flimsy, white cowboy shirt. It's the longest lasting sunscreen, mighty delicious air-co on a hot day after I drench it with water, and when it gets too stinky, it's easy to wash and quick to dry. Plus, it weighs nothing. I always travel with three. Without them, I'm an overheated, burned gringa. No good at'all for shooting pics.

This morning, I started packing for my next photo junket to the Four Corners area.  Yeah, it's three weeks away, but I saw my white shirts in the closet and got inspired. Pulled 'em out, rolled 'em up, I'm ready to go.