Wednesday, June 24, 2009

53 Degrees at Carlon Falls

Woo whee! Fifty three degrees of chilly bikini.

In the high Sierras two days ago, I cleared my head for tomorrow's road trip. Yes, the moment comes when you find the will to dive in and swim like you mean it. I sucked up icy buckets of courage inside the cave below Carlon Falls, under the curtain of surging, tumbling water force and said, "Fill me up. Let's go. I'm ready." Son Josef, a budding videographer and I will travel across the country documenting sustainable farms for the Agricultlore Book Project. We're diving in... But first, to finish packing.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2009 PathStar Workshop Announcement

"Tony" from by Unnikrishnan Raveendranathan from our "I Felt Like a Thousand Food Stamps" 2008 group show

Through Fotovision, a group dedicated to advancing documentary photography and storytelling, I'll be leading an "Assignment Shooting" workshop this September. We'll be following a group of Lakota Sioux youth as they train for a swim from Alcatraz. Here's an older blog post about last year's workshop. Sign yourself up. As I say in the blurb, it will be challenging, fast-paced and fun. Any questions?

Thursday, June 11, 2009