Thursday, August 19, 2010

Alter Ego

Todd Edelman sends me the best links. Today, I finally caught up with a link he sent a while back, the Denver Post's Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943. Check out these resonant dust bowl imagery from the Library of Congress. This one, my alter ego. Thanks, Todd.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Apples to Onions

Guess which apple and which onion came from my CSA share.

Hint number one: It's fun to get a gob of random produce every week in our CSA bag. No matter what surprise awaits us, it will be in season and small "D" delicious. This year's crop of Gravensteins is just starting. The crunchiest, tartest apple on the plate.

Second hint: One of the (capital "D" delicious) apples came from the Fillmore. At the end of a show there the other night, we showed our teenager the basket Bill Graham always filled with free apples for any hungry hippie to have something to eat. Happily, they still give them out to house audiences. Love the 1960s tradition, but does anyone know the Fillmore's produce buyer these days? Let's get them to buy fresh buy local!

Third hint: The small onions are also crunchier and sweeter than the big kahuna onion.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Shirt On My Back

People ask, "What's your most important piece of equipment?"

Of course, there's the fave lens, fave remote, fave whatnot. But during the summer, one of the most important things in my bag is a flimsy, white cowboy shirt. It's the longest lasting sunscreen, mighty delicious air-co on a hot day after I drench it with water, and when it gets too stinky, it's easy to wash and quick to dry. Plus, it weighs nothing. I always travel with three. Without them, I'm an overheated, burned gringa. No good at'all for shooting pics.

This morning, I started packing for my next photo junket to the Four Corners area.  Yeah, it's three weeks away, but I saw my white shirts in the closet and got inspired. Pulled 'em out, rolled 'em up, I'm ready to go.

Monday, August 9, 2010

International Museum of Women ~ Please vote ~

Dear Peeps: Please visit the Economica show online at International Museum of Women and "recommend" my pictures of diverse women who grow food around the USA. Merci!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Economica ~ Picturing Power and Potential

Here I am at the Economica: Picturing Power and Potential opening with one of my subjects, Lady Shanju, originally shot for the SF Victory Garden project. Thank you San Francisco Arts Commission and International Museum of Women for providing the space and sponsorship.

Fab group show.  Go see. SF City Hall, lower level. Through September 4, 2010.