Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Farm Together Now" Spring Events

Amazing ag books out there these days. All fueling the sustainable food system movement and making it more mainstream. That's the ticket.

At this year's Eco Farm Conference, had the pleasure of signing books together with Novella Carpenter of Farm City fame and Temra Costa, Miss Farmer Jane herself.

Up top, that's my cohort Sarah Henry, Lettuce Eat Kale blogger extraordinaire. (Get your food news from her.) Me, smilin' in the middle. All of us laughing, cuz Novella is a hoot. Thanks, Jennifer Snyder of Clif Bar for snapping the photo! We are each other's doppel(triple)ganger. Long lost cousins, me thinks.

Here's a look at my upcoming dance card. Hope to see you.

Febr 24, 7pm    PeriUrban Agriculture Discussion + Beans and Greens dinner at 18 Reasons

Febr 25, 1pm    Lecture for How-to-Homestead's Melinda Stone's USF Urban Ag class

Febr 25, 7pm    Reading + Signing at beloved Mission Pie

Mar 14,  7pm    Slide show + book signing at the fabulous CUESA with Mark Winne, too

Mar 24, 2pm     Book Signing at the SF Flower + Garden Show with Star Apple Edible Gardens

April 3, 7pm     Benefit slide show + book signing for Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society, my home state!

April 11, 7pm   Slide show at Downtown SF Apple Store + APA

May 7, 7pm      Book signing to benefit Synergy School

See more events at the Farm Together Now spot.


sarah said...

Looking forward to eating pie with you. Bringing Leslie and Connie with, too, methinks.

Kudos to you for a great book tour line up. And thx for the kind words (blush).

Signed, one of the triplets.

Thanks for stopping by said...

Yes, the Triplets of Swellville.